Land (page land)

67 User Listings

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للبيع اراضي في صباح الاحمد البحريه صف اول علي الخور

1, 613

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للبيع اراضي في صباح الاحمد البحريه 🔹صف ثاني 🔹المرحله الخامسه

1, 500

208 KWD

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للـبيع اراضـي فـي الخيران السكني مواقع واسعار مختلفة

1, 400

180 K KWD

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ارض علي البحر 555 م بمدينه صباح الاحمد البحريه

1, 555

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للبيع أرض في البوسنة

10, 510


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العقيله للبيع

9, 500

60 K KWD

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للبيع اراضي في صباح الاحمد البحريه 🔹 المرحله الاوله 🔹 صف ثاني

1, 420

150 K KWD

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للبيع ارض استثمارية في خيطان مساحه كبيره على شارع المطار

1, 0

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للبيع ارض في الخيران السكني موقع بطن وظهر مدخل سهل السعر مناسب

1, 400

150 K KWD

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للبيع اراضي وشاليهات في صباح الاحمد البحرية

1, 507

280 K KWD

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مدينة صباح الأحمد البحرية المرحلة الرابعة

1, 491

310 KWD

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عقيله مساحه ٣٧٥ متر،شارع واحد سد على قريب من جامعة الامريكيه و قيت مول

1, 0

310 K KWD

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للبيع اراضي في ابوفطيره ( مواقع مختلفه )

1, 400

320 K KWD

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للبيع اراضي في الرميثيه ( مواقع مختلفه )

1, 375

450 K KWD

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صباح السالم للبيع

7, 0

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للبيع أرض الفنطاس ( بيوت الأمير )

1, 600

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♦️ للبيع اراضي في صباح الاحمد البحريه

1, 505

275 KWD

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قسيمه للبيع ( للتنازل) ١٠٠٠ متر صبحان

6, 1,000


Lands for sale in Kuwait

Are you looking for lands for sale in Kuwait? Families often purchase land to build their dream home or create a personalized getaway. This land becomes their haven for peaceful escapes.


Kuwaitis may develop land for diverse purposes, including building residential projects like apartments or single-family homes to address the growing housing needs. They also envision commercial development such as shopping centers or office spaces to cater to the increasing demand for these facilities.


Popular lands in Kuwait

Are you looking to buy agricultural lands for sale in Kuwait? Several areas consistently attract interest from potential buyers:


  1. Lands for sale in Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Bahriya: This area boasts stunning coastal landscapes and offers a peaceful, beachfront environment.
  2. Lands for sale in Sabah Al-Ahmad Residential: Known for its modern infrastructure and spacious plots, this area is ideal for building family homes.
  3. Lands for sale in Fintas: This established community offers diverse land options, catering to various needs and budgets.
  4. Lands for sale in Al Khiran: Renowned for its luxurious resorts and vibrant atmosphere, Al Khiran presents opportunities for both residential and commercial development.


Popular international lands

Similar to international properties, some Kuwaitis prefer to buy lands internationally for investment purposes. Both lands for sale in Turkey and lands for sale in Greece offer distinct advantages:


Lands for sale in Turkey

Turkey boasts a rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and a thriving tourist industry. This makes Turkey an attractive option for investment or establishing a second home.


Lands for sale in Greece

Greece is well known for its idyllic islands, ancient ruins, and breathtaking coastlines. It offers a unique blend of history, leisure, and potential for development.


Land challenges in Kuwait

Kuwait faces several challenges related to buying and selling land:


  1. Scarcity of suitable land for construction: This scarcity restricts space for building new housing units and infrastructure to accommodate the increasing population.
  2. High land prices: Land prices in Kuwait are high, especially in desirable locations like coastal areas.
  3. Land degradation: Kuwait’s dry climate and rapid urbanization contribute to land degradation.


Lands on 4Sale

At 4Sale, we have a wide variety of lands for sale in Kuwait. Browse our extensive collection of lands in different districts across the country. We also have properties for sale, for rent, and exchange in Kuwait. 4Sale facilitates your journey and makes sure you find the perfect property that matches your needs, preferences, and budget.


We’re always here to help.

What are the main factors to consider when buying land in Kuwait?

  • - Decide if you want to build a home, develop the land, or use it as an investment.

  • - Do your research based on your needs, budget, and location.

  • - Make sure the land is legally available for sale.

  • - Check if the land is close to essential services like water, electricity, and sanitation.

How can I sell lands on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate sub-category.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

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