Job Openings (page job-openings)

11 User Listings

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Part Time Job

مطلوب سكرتيرة

مطلوب سكرتيره ذو خبره للعمل في مكتب مقاولات بالجهراء دوام صباحي الراتب ١٥٠ دك تجيد الرد علي الاتصالات واستقبال العملاء وإيجادة تامه بالطباعه علي برامج الكمبيوتر والتسويق الهاتفي ونشر اعلانات بالسوشل ميديا ارسال السيرة الذاتية ال cv علي الواتساب اربعه واحد صفر اربعه اثنين خمسه اربعه

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Part Time Job

انا مندوب توصيل جميع المحافظات بسعر ارخص وسرعه وامانة

I am a cheap delivery representative Honestly and fast 🏻 Capital areas Al-Jahra The tenth Umm Al-Hayman and Sabah Al-Ahmad until Al-Mutlaa 😉

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Part Time Job

Sweets chef

Required part time/ free lance chef with experience in Japanese sweets Part Time chef is required with experience in Japanese desserts

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Part Time Job

موظفة اقرأه الاعلان قبل التواصل مطلوب للعمل في العقيله تواصل وتساب فقط

Working hours are from 4 to 9 pm. Salary is 300. For serious people, please contact WhatsApp and we will contact you as soon as possible

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Part Time Job

مطلوب موظف مندوب شامل جميع الوزارات

Read the full ad 🌹 🌹 🌹 please It is not a matter. 1. An employee representing affairs and passports and all ministries of the state is required to work from 5 pm to 8 pm only - with all transactions completed during the day if there are transactions. - The place of work is in Al-Faheheel, preferably from a residential area close to Al-Faheheel. Please do not call and send your personal details in full WhatsApp and you will be answered immediately, God willing. 🌹🌹 -2- A Kuwaiti national employee is required to clear some transactions. The salary is 500 dinars. Working hours are from 5-7 pm only from Saturday to Wednesday 💢

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Part Time Job

شرط الخبره العقاريه

مطلـــــــــــــوب موظفين ومناديب عقاريين شرط الخبره العقاريه لاتقل عن 3 سنوات من ( داخل الكويت ) لبيع البيوت والفلل والبنايات والبدل - عموله 50 ‎%‎ وميزات أخرى - تحويل الاقامه متاح - أعلانات مموله بالكامل من المكتب - خط وموبايل من المكتب - المكتب بالمنقف - ملاحظه اذا ماعندك خبره عقاريه في ( دولة الكويت ) لن يتم قبولك .

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Part Time Job

تسويق واجار فلل بيوت شقق

Marketers for a real estate company in all areas of Kuwait

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Part Time Job

مطلوب معلمين

شـ تي مي كويت لفتح وإنشاء معاهد أهلية تعلن عن فتح باب قبول ( معلمين قانون بدوام جزئي ) * الشروط - حملة شهادات ليسانس حقوق وما اعلى - قادر على التعامل مع الجمهور والعمل تحت الضغط - ان يكون المتقدم من فئة البدون او خليجي الجنسيه من تتوفر لديه الشروط ارجاء التواصل عبر الواتساب مع إرفاق السيرة الذاتية وصورة من المؤهل التعليمي على الرقم التالي 9/8/8/2/0/5/9/9

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Part Time Job

مطلوب مسوقين

مطلــوب مسوقين لشركه إنشاء مباني والعمل بنظام النسبه شرط وجود خبره بالمقاولات ووجود سياره للتواصل تسعه تسعه تسعه ثمانيه تسعه سبعه صفر سبعه

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Part Time Job

مطلوب طباع لشركة فـحـص سـيآرات

A printer is required for a car inspection company The condition of a transferable stay With printing and photography experience Working hours from 8:30am to 9 pm Telephone: six two two two three four nine

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Part Time Job

مطلوب مصور محترف لمصنع جوكليت بساعات محدده ، مصور محتررف

A part-time professional photographer is required

Job market in Kuwait

If you are a skilled professional seeking job opportunities in Kuwait, you have come to the right place. Kuwait offers a wide range of job openings across various sectors, making it an attractive destination for both career changers and recent graduates. Whether you are looking to start your career or advance to the next level, finding a job in Kuwait offers the rewarding benefits of career stability and generous packages.



Kuwait has a high demand for accounting professionals in different industries. Companies, both big and small, are looking for skilled accountants to handle their finances, create reports, and ensure they follow regulations. There are job openings for various positions, from entry-level accounting assistants to senior financial analysts and controllers.


Technology and Engineering

Kuwait’s focus on innovation and development fuels the demand for skilled professionals in the technology and engineering sectors. There are plenty of job opportunities for software developers, network engineers, systems analysts, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, and more. With the government’s investment in infrastructure projects and the growing tech scene, the demand for skilled professionals is only expected to rise.



The healthcare industry in Kuwait needs qualified nurses, doctors, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, and other medical professionals. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, and specialized medical facilities. As the awareness of healthcare is continuously rising, the medical field is expected to grow, offering stable career paths for professionals.


Human Resources

HR professionals are crucial for managing employee relations, recruitment, training, and development. Job opportunities in Kuwait include HR generalists, recruitment specialists, training managers, and compensation and benefits analysts. Multinational companies entering the Kuwaiti market require HR professionals with international experience and local market knowledge.



Cashier positions in Kuwait offer a fantastic starting point for newcomers entering the workforce and a convenient way for experienced professionals to earn extra money.


Part-Time and Freelance Opportunities

In Kuwait, there are diverse part-time and freelance opportunities available for individuals seeking flexible work arrangements. These opportunities span across a range of fields, from teaching English and graphic design to online tutoring and administrative tasks. This allows people to pursue their interests or supplement their income while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Job openings in Kuwait

At 4Sale, we have a wide range of job openings. Stay updated with the latest vacant jobs in Kuwait by regularly checking our website. Remember, the job market is dynamic, and opportunities evolve rapidly. Be proactive in your search, network actively, and explore all available resources to find the perfect job.


We’re always here to help.

What are the factors of successful collaboration at work?

  • - A strong foundation of clear communication and alignment ensures everyone within the organization is contributing towards the same objectives.

  • - Defined roles and responsibilities help avoid duplication of efforts which enhances productivity.

  • - Empowering a culture of mutual respect among team members is necessary for successful collaborative work.

  • - Effective conflict resolution includes open dialogue, active listening, and finding win-win solutions to strengthen collaboration.

What are the most popular job sectors in Kuwait?

  • - Oil and gas

  • - Construction

  • - Finance

  • - Healthcare

  • - Education

  • - Retail

  • - Tourism

How can I post job openings on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate subcategory.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

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Reach out to us through any of these support channels
+965 1844474