Stores (page for-rent,1)

80 User Listings

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للإيجار مخازن تبريد مواد غذائية الشويخ الصناعبة بجوار سوق لندن مساحات

1, 1,000


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مخزن المقاس ١٢/٢٥ جديد 🆕 (الهجن)

1, 1,000

600 KWD

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مخزن للايجار جنوب عبدالله المبارك

1, 60

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للإيجار يوجد لدينا مساحة في الميزانين في الري المساحة 11 م / 7 متر

1, 90

400 KWD

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للإيجار سرداب في الري

1, 1,000

4,200 KWD

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للايجار أراضي تخرين في مينا عبدالله

2, 1,000


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أراضي تخزينية للإيجار المساحه 1,250م ، 2,500م ، 5000م

1, 30

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للإيجار مخازن مستودعات وأراضي وسراديبfor rent warehouses and basements

1, 1


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للايجار قسيمه مقسمه مكشوف ومغطى مساحات مختلفه

1, 1,000

350 K KWD

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للايجار سرداب في الري مساحته 400متر الإيجار 2000دك قابل للتفاوض

1, 400

2,000 KWD

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سرداب السالمية ‎للإيجار

1, 800

1,400 KWD

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مخزن للإيجار في السالمية قطعة 3

1, 35

150 KWD

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للايجار سرداب بشرق بناية جديدة

1, 1,000

1,700 KWD

4Sale Realty
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للايجار بالشويخ مخزن مرخص ١٠٠٠ متر

1, 1,000

7,000 KWD

4Sale Realty
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للايجار مخزن في السالمية

1, 30

100 KWD

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مخزن للايجار ( سرداب )

1, 260

500 KWD

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مخازن صليبيه الزراعية

1, 1,000

1,750 KWD

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هنجر ٢٥٠م سقف عالي

1, 250

250 KWD

Warehouses for rent in Kuwait

Are you looking for warehouses for rent in Kuwait? Renting factories and warehouses is a popular choice for investors who are looking to grow their business in Kuwait. This option offers a lot of benefits over buying, including lower costs, more flexibility, and is generally less risky.


Benefits of renting a warehouse in Kuwait

Lower costs

Today, businesses, especially startups, are looking for effective ways to cut costs. Renting a warehouse or a factory eliminates the need for large upfront investments and ongoing maintenance and taxes.


More flexibility

Adjusting the warehouse space and organizing it based on your business needs is another huge advantage as it gives you more control. In case there’s a need for a larger space or even relocation, this can be done without worrying about long-term commitments.


Hassle-free from maintenance and taxes

When you rent a warehouse, you don’t pay maintenance costs and taxes. This allows you to focus on managing your business without worrying about extra, surprising costs. Plus, it saves you from market fluctuation in case the property price drops.


Ideal for some businesses

Renting a warehouse is ideal for businesses with seasonal inventory fluctuations or short-term projects. It offers a cost-effective way to scale up during peak periods without the burden of long-term ownership.


Time-saving aspect

Renting a warehouse eliminates the need for construction and lengthy setup processes. Existing infrastructure and facilities allow businesses to be operational almost immediately. This allows businesses to save time and establish a quick presence in the market.


Importance of choosing the factory location

Choosing a factory location is a crucial decision for any industrial company. While some investors simply look for factories in industrial areas, a more strategic approach is key, as it entitles significant financial investments.


By carefully selecting a licensed factory location and its associated storage facilities, you can optimize your operations and set your business up for long-term success in Kuwait.


Warehouses on 4Sale

At 4Sale, we have a wide variety of licensed warehouses in Kuwait. Browse our extensive property listings and choose from a large selection of properties for sale, rent, and exchange.


We’re always here to help.

Can I access my rented warehouse outside of regular business hours?

Many warehouse rentals in Kuwait offer 24/7 access to tenants. However, access availability may vary depending on the specific rental provider and any security protocols in place.

Is insurance coverage required for a rented warehouse in Kuwait?

Yes, most warehouse rental agreements in Kuwait require tenants to obtain appropriate insurance coverage for their stored goods or inventory.

How can I rent my warehouse on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate subcategory.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

We're Always Here to Help

Reach out to us through any of these support channels
+965 1844474