Ceramic - Kuwait City (page ceramic)

46 User Listings

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تركيب جميع انواع السيراميك والبرسلين والباركيه والرخام والك

Khalid Mohammed for the installation of all types of ceramics, porcelain, parquet, marble and kashi

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تركيب سيراميك ورخام واصباغ وترميمات عامة بأقل الاسعار

السلام عليكم ❤️ابوهلال (لتركيب السيراميك والجيرانيت والرخام ) ( توسيعات وتكسير حمامات ومطابخ مع شيل الانقاذ) ( بناء غرف وحمامات ومطابخ ) (تمديد خطوط صحي وصبغ وكهرباء ديكور) (تركيب كربي وعازل وفوم ودرايش وابواب خشب والمونيوم واطقم صحي) (جميع المقاولات والترميمات بالمواد وبدون المواد) تشطيب كامل مع سرعه وإتقان في العمل ودقة وخبرةفي التنفيذ جميع مناطق الكويت بأقل الاسعار❤️❤️

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سر میں ایک خواب تقسیم ترکیب

معلم سرمیک ترکیب وہ تکسیر رخام

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معلم سيراميك علي

Porcelain ceramic, marble, crushing and installing crabstone, bathroom insulation and kitchen

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فني باركيه خشب ارضيات

فني تركيب باركيه خشب ارضيات، بديل خشب ،ورق جدران ،نعلات فوم ،شرايح بالاستيك ،بديل رخام باركيه ضدالمياه ارضيات

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تکسیر ترکیب سرامیک ادوات صحی مزایک خارجی جسم بورد دیکور جبس المونیم

تکسیر ترکیب سرامیک ادوات صحی مزایک ارضی خارجی جسم بورد دیکور جبس المنیونیم شٹر مطابخ خصوصی

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تركيب سيراميك

Crushing bathrooms and kitchens, installing over Kashi, installing ceramics, marble and laser-cut concrete in all areas of Kuwait at the cheapest prices

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أبو يوسف لتركيب البلاط المتداخل بجميع أنواعه وتنسيق الحدائق

Abu Yousef for the installation of all kinds of overlapping tiles, tile, ceramics, parking facilities and landscaping all areas of Kuwait

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معلم سيراميك و رخام

تركيب و تكسير سيراميك، رخام، بلات، حمامات، مطابخ، شغل نظيف، حسين باكستاني

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مقاول جميع انواع البلاط والكربستون

مقاول جميع انواع البلاط والكربستون وتيل صناعي

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ابو كريم معلم مقاول بلاط متداخل وا كربيستون وا كاشي وا التيل الصناعي و

ابو كريم مقاول وا معلم بلاط متداخل كربستون كاشي تيل صناعي تنسيق مسافط السيارات الحدائق العامه والمدارس مستشفيات جميع مناطق الكويت نتميز دقه فى العمل سرعه فى الانجاز اسعار مناسبه اتصل نصلك اينما كونت

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صب أرضيات المزاييك جلي وتلميع أرضيات عازل الاسطح جتروف

مقاولات ابو باسل

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ترکیب و تکسیر سرامیک رحام ترکیب تبوک

Installation and breaking of ceramics and Raham Tarkeb Tabuk

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تركيب باركية تركيب نعلات فوم

Installing parquet and installing foam soles

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معلم سیرامیک رخام

معلم سیرامیک رخام بلاط ایرانی کاشی تکسیر و ترکیب کامل بیت جدید ترکیب سرامیک

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سيراميك تكسير تركيب ديكورات جبس جبسم بورد سمنت بورد كهرباء أدوات صحيحة

سيراميك تكسير تركيب حمامات مطابخ ارضيات ديكور جبس مخفي و عادي جبسم بورد قواطع بلازما سمنت بورد داخلي و خارجي كهرباء تمديدات وايرات أدوات صحيحة عازل صبغ.. شغل نظيف سعر مناسب

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معلم سيراميك أرخص الإسعار برسلون تركيب فوق الكاشي ركب حجر

A ceramic teacher is the cheapest price. They send Kashi to crack an installation on top of Kashi and install a stone

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حمام مطبخ تكسير تركيب گرنيت حجر رخام

حمام مطبخ تكسير تركيب گرنيت حجر رخام

Ceramic Technicians in Kuwait

Are you looking for a ceramic technician in Kuwait? These technicians are the backbone of the industry, transforming raw clay into functional and artistic objects. Their work involves a blend of technical expertise and creative flair.


Their impact in houses and offices

Ceramic technicians are crucial players in making houses and offices look fantastic and function flawlessly. They contribute to creating a wide variety of ceramic products that enhance these environments. In houses, they might craft stunning tiles for kitchens and bathrooms, design elegant tableware, or even build unique sinks or fountains by hand.


When it comes to commercial spaces, their expertise extends to manufacturing durable floor tiles for high-traffic areas, creating custom wall installations for restaurants or offices, or even producing specialized ceramic components for specific industries. Their precise work ensures the beauty and longevity of these ceramic elements, adding a touch of artistry and functionality to the spaces we inhabit.


What does a Ceramic Technician do?

  1. Mixing and selecting the right type of clay for the desired project, ensuring proper consistency and shaping it into forms.
  2. Using the potter’s wheel to create rounded shapes like vases, bowls, and plates.
  3. Building intricate forms without the wheel, using techniques like pinching, coiling, and slabs.
  4. Applying glazes and decorations.
  5. Firing the ceramic creations in kilns at high temperatures and carefully monitoring the process.
  6. Inspecting finished pieces for flaws and ensuring they meet the desired standards.


How do Ceramic Technicians enhance construction projects?

While ceramic technicians themselves might not directly offer contracting services, they play a crucial role within the broader construction and renovation landscape. Contracting companies often collaborate with skilled ceramic technicians to execute specific aspects of a project. These technicians provide their expertise in selecting, installing, and customizing ceramic elements like tiles, countertops, and even bespoke fixtures.


Ceramic artists on 4Sale

At 4Sale, we have a wide variety of skilled ceramic artists offering functional and artistic pieces to suit any taste. Browse our extensive collections and hire from the large pool of talented potters in Kuwait.


We’re always here to help.

How are ceramic tiles made?

Ceramic tiles are made through a process called ceramic tile manufacturing. It involves mixing clay, minerals, and water to create a paste-like mixture. This mixture is then shaped into tiles and fired in a kiln at high temperatures to harden and strengthen them. After firing, the tiles may undergo additional processes such as glazing and decorating before they are ready for use.

How to clean ceramic tiles?

  • - Start by sweeping or vacuuming the tiles to remove loose dirt and debris.

  • - Mix a mild detergent or ceramic tile cleaner with water according to the product instructions.

  • - Use a soft mop or sponge to apply the cleaning solution to the tiles, making sure to cover the entire surface.

  • - Scrub any stubborn stains or grime using a soft brush or sponge.

  • - Rinse the tiles thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue.

  • - Dry the tiles with a clean towel or allow them to air dry.

How can I promote ceramic services on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate sub-category.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

We're Always Here to Help

Reach out to us through any of these support channels

+965 1844474