Water Tanks (page water-tanks)

66 User Listings

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Water Tanks

غسيل وتصليح جميع توانكى/ تركيب جهاز تبريد مياه خزان/

Washing and repairing all tanky/installing pumps to strengthen water/installing filters to purify water/installing a tank water cooling device to cool water ((For inquiries, Abu Mecca))

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Water Tanks

غسيل وتصليح توانكي

Washing and repairing all types of fiber and plastic tanks. Installing water cooling devices. Saudi maintenance and installation of water pumps. Installing central double jambo filters. 3 stages of water purification. Our work is guaranteed

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Water Tanks

غسيل وتصليح التانكي فلاتر مركزي اجهزه تبريد

Tank washing and repair, central filters, maintenance of pumps, cooling devices

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Water Tanks

غسيل ولحام خزانات المياه .

نقوم بغسيل التوانكي بمواد مذيله للصداء والاحمرار والطحالب. نقوم بتصليح جميع الاثقاب بالخزان فيبر . وبورثلين . جميع اعمالنا مكفوله

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Water Tanks

غسيل وتصليح التوانكي جميع المناطق بأقل الأسعار خدمه ٢٤ساعه

Wash the tuanki with materials that are removed for Sada and Taalib. Repair all types of tuanki. Selling a new and used tanaki has a 10-year warranty. For inquiries, Abu Hussein is a 24-hour service

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Water Tanks

توانكي مياه المتحدجميع الاحجام كفاله ١٠سنوات بولي ثلين فايبرجلاس وقود

خزانات المتحده بولي ثلين ٣&٤طبقات كفاله ١٠سنوات مانعه طحالب باكتريا صدا تاكل مقاومه لاشعه الشمش الضاره توصيل جميع المناطق منازل جواخير مزارع سرعه توصيل

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Water Tanks

جهاز تبريد مياه الخزان تركيب فلاتر وخزانات مياه

جهاز تبريد مياه الخزان فلاتر تحليه فلا ترتب الجامبو تركيب خزانات بيع خزانات وكاين دفع ومكان الراجع مكائن سردار صيانه سخان مركز

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Water Tanks

المتحدة للخزانات

خزانات المتحدة مانعه للطحالب والبكتريا والاشعه فوق البنفسجي بايبات نحاس لتفادي الصدأ مع كفاله عشر سنوات واصل اي مكان بالكويت عنوان المعرض المهبوله قطعه ١ شارع ١١٥ مقابل بنزيمة الرقه علي طريق الفحيحيل سعر المصنع والتوصيل مجاني 🤝

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Water Tanks

غسيل وتصليح جميع التوانكي بأقل الأسعار خدمه ٢٤ساعه

Washing and repairing tuanaki in all areas Washing tuanki with materials that remove rust, algae and redness Repairing all types of tanaki is a new and used sale. For inquiries, Abu Ali

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Water Tanks

للبيع توانكي كويتي و سخانات مياه امريكي

1000 gallon water tank and American Richmond water heaters with warranty 10 years for the reservoir 6 years for the heater 2 years for candles Two years for the thrust pump Two years for automatic One year for the return pump Polish aqua filters 80 gallons for the heater 1000 gallons for the tanky WhatsApp communication only.

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Water Tanks

جهاز الحرم لتبريد مياه الخزانات احذر التقليد وفلاتر ماي جميع المناطق مؤسة لؤلؤة البحرين

Tank water cooling device- A powerful fan with (7) blades -Size (12) inches 100% guaranteed cooling One-year comprehensive warranty To contact WhatsApp or call (90008559-24342708) 96006431 96006430 All types of filters and pumps

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Water Tanks

فني صحي.

Repairing all types of tanki, washing a tank, installing pumps to strengthen water, installing central filters

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Water Tanks

أبو زينب ‏

Washing and repairing all types of tuanki and installing a water cooling device

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Water Tanks

غسيل خزانات المياه بدون دخول العامل 🧼🫧🧽

☎️ لاتردد في تنظيف خزانك ✅ الشركة الاول في الكويت متخصصة في غسيل خزانات المياه بأحدث الادوات . ✅ التنظيف يتم من غير دخول العامل 👍🏻 . ✅ ازالة جميع الطحالب والرواسب الطينية . ✅ تبديل فلاتر أوروبية نسبة الفلترة 5 مايكرون . ✅ تبديل عوامات نحاس الأصلية . @floransakwt1 خدماتنا تغطي جميع مناطق الكويت 🇰🇼

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Water Tanks

التقنيه المعتمده لانظمة وتبريدالمياه

جهازتبريدماءالخزان كولدستاروالجهازالسعودي وجهازفالكون سركليشن +لوحة تحكم بلبروده دجتال يركب على جميع الخزانات كفاله ذهبيه وظمان على التبريد

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Water Tanks

جهاز تبريد خزان المياه ❄️

❄️🇰🇼 water tank cooler device 📍 The number of revolutions of the machine is 4500 rpm. 📍 Outer cover made of fiberglass. 📍 3-layer filter to prevent insects 📍 Thermal mug covered with aluminum. 📍 1 year warranty+ cooling warranty ☎️: 97711915

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Water Tanks

تصليح وتغسيل التوانكي بأقل الأسعار خدمه ٢٤ساعه

Repairing and washing the tanaki at the lowest prices. 24-hour service in all areas. For inquiries, Abu Ali

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Water Tanks

لدينا اجهزه تبريد مياه الخزانات وجميع انواع الفلاتر والهيدروجين والمضخ

The filter for purifying drinking water, converting ordinary water into alkaline water, and the Triple Jumbo filter removes a high percentage of deposits, chlorine, dust, rust, odors and foreign tastes on water in order to use added and healthy water. The device for converting ordinary water into alkaline water is very rich in oxygen and minerals. This device has proven real health benefits, the tank water cooling device, all types of filters, the maintenance of all types of filters, the installation of central heaters and the central system. Best prices. Contact the number

Usage of Water Tanks in Kuwait

Water tanks are an essential part of life in Kuwait. They store your precious supply of clean water, ensuring you have water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. Just like any container, they need regular maintenance to function properly.


Beyond homes and buildings, water tanks in Kuwait play a vital role across various aspects:


  1. Agriculture Farmers rely on tanks to ensure their crops receive the necessary irrigation.
  2. Construction: Construction sites use temporary tanks for dust suppression and mixing concrete.
  3. Cleaning: Car washes and cleaning services rely on water tanks for a continuous supply to keep vehicles and exteriors spotless.


Water Tank Cleaning in Kuwait

Scheduling regular water container cleaning is vital for maintaining water quality. Here’s what a professional cleaning service typically involves:


  • Inspection: Trained technicians will first inspect your tank to assess its condition and identify any potential problems.
  • Draining and cleaning: The tank is thoroughly emptied and scrubbed to remove dirt, sediment, and any harmful bacteria.
  • Disinfection: The tank is disinfected to eliminate any remaining bacteria and ensure a safe water supply.
  • Final rinse and inspection: The tank is rinsed clean, and a final inspection ensures everything is in proper working order.


Water Tank Repair in Kuwait

Even with proper maintenance, tanks can sometimes develop problems. Here are some common water tank repair services offered in Kuwait:


  1. Leak repair: Professionals can identify and fix leaks in your tank, preventing water waste and damage.
  2. Crack repair: Cracks in the tank can compromise its integrity. Repair services can address these issues to ensure a secure water storage solution.
  3. Valve and fitting repair: Faulty valves or fittings can lead to leaks or difficulty accessing water. Repair services can replace or fix these components.


Choosing the right Water Tank in Kuwait

When selecting a water tank in Kuwait, consider these factors:



Choose a tank size that meets your water needs. Consider your household size and daily water consumption.



Water tanks come in various materials like plastic, fiberglass, and concrete. Each offers different benefits and drawbacks. Consult a water tank specialist for the best option for your needs.



Decide where you want to install the tank. Above-ground tanks offer easier access for cleaning and maintenance, while underground tanks save space but might require more complex cleaning procedures.


We’re always here to help

Can individuals and businesses install water tanks in Kuwait?

Yes, individuals and businesses in Kuwait can install water tanks on their properties for supplemental water storage. However, they must comply with the regulations and obtain necessary permits from the relevant authorities.

How can I promote water tank services on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate sub-category.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

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