Other Subjects (page other-subjects)

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Other Subjects

مهندس للتطبيقي

Mechanical engineer to teach engineering and mathematics subjects Especially for university and applied students (colleges and institutes) There is in-person or online teaching and there is a recording of lectures 1. physics 2. maths 3. Basics of mechanics 4. The basics of electricity 5. thermodynamics 6. Fluid mechanics 7. Machinery/machine theory 8. heat transfer 9. Thermal Sciences 10. mechanical vibrations 11. The basics of heat exchangers 12. and other engineering materials

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Other Subjects

معلم اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية

معلم اللغة العربية لجميع المراحل المتوسطة ومادتي التربية الإسلامية والقرآن الكريم لجميع المراحل الإبتدائية والمتوسطة والثانوية

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Other Subjects

معلم تأسيس لطلاب الابتدائي

معلم تأسيس لطلاب ابتدائي عربي وانجليزي ورياضيات

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Other Subjects

الجهراء وضواحيها

مدرسة تعليم اساسي ومتوسط عربي - انجليزى - رياضيات - علوم بالاضافه لحل الواجبات المدرسية

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Other Subjects

مدرسة اولى جميع المواد

مدرسة اولى جميع المواد للمرحلتين الإبتدائية والمتوسطة خبرة طويلة بمناهج الكويت وتأسيس الاطفال والطالب الضعيف على القراءة والكتابة فى فترة وجيزة مع مراعاة الفروق الفردية مع ورق عمل ووسائل تعليمية لتثبيت المعلومة وحفظ القران الكريم وحفظ جدول الضرب ومتابعة الواجبات اليومية والحقيبة التعليمية وتجهيز الطفل لاسترجاع ما فاته والاستعداد للفترة الدراسية الثانية عيد خصومات بمناسبة الأعياد الوطنية أدام عليكم الأمن والأمان والاستقرار الاتصال للسيدات فقط

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Other Subjects

مدرس جميع المواد والمراحل العمرية

Global Institute for Advanced Studies With a selection of the best doctors and teachers We provide courses and private lessons for all educational levels • Online • At the Institute • At home Invest in yourself and ensure your scientific success

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Other Subjects

مدرس كهرباء وميكانيكا وفيزياء للتطبيقي والجامعات الكويت

مهندس خبرة بمناهج التطبيقي – المعهد العالي للطاقة الكهرباء والميكانيكا المعاهد و كليات العلوم والهندسة Physics Electronics Linear circuits ACK- AUK-AIU-ACM-KCST-AU-AUM Physics, math, electrical, power, electronics, communication, and control كلية التربية الاساسية فيزياء – فلك – دوائر كهربائية – دوائر رقمية – الكترونيات – الات – نقل قوى – قياسات- اجهزة قياس – كلية التكنولوجيا والاتصالات و الملاحة الكترونيات – دوائر كهربائية – فيزياء –مبادىء تخصص – دوائر رقمية ومنطقية – اتصالات تماثلية ورقمية – مبادىء هندسة كهربائية – الات حثية و تيار مستمر -محولات كهربائية – مبادىء تحكم- الياف ضوئية وبصرية – – تطبيقات كهرومغناطيسية – هوائيات – اتصالات معلومات – حسابات قوى كهربائية – جميع مواد تخصصات النقل والتوزيع والالات الكهربائية و الطاقة المتجددة والكمبيوتر والمعدات الطبية والاتصالات والالكترونيات،

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Other Subjects

معلمه تاسيس كل المراحل ورياضيات واوراق عمل وخبره بالاختبارات

His teacher is the establishment of all stages, working papers, a simple explanation, his experience in the tests, and his experience in the Kuwaiti curriculum to contact no.

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Other Subjects

مُعلم لغة انجليزية تجهيز للكورس

عرض خاص لتدريس اللغة الانجليزية بنظام الساعات ويوجد اشتراكات لجميع المراحل التعليمية ( إبتدائي- متوسط- ثانوي) تأسيس وشرح للمنهج مع حل الاختبارات الفاينل / القصيرة والواجبات مع وجود مذكرات وتجهيز للفاينل للحجز والاستفسار واتس آب ( ستة ستة صفر ثمانية خمسة صفر أربعه سبعه )

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Other Subjects

تقوية كافة المواد

Taqwa school for the establishment and teaching of all subjects in the primary and intermediate stages in the Andalusia area

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Other Subjects

مدرسة لغة عربية واسلامية

مدرسة لغة عربية واسلامية خبرة طويلة في مناهج الكويت في التأسيس والقواعد النحوية

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Other Subjects

مدرس حاسوب لكليات آداب - علوم - شريعة - تطبيقي

✅ Teaching a computer to university students and doing assignments and projects ✅ Teaching a computer to middle and high school students and training on practical tests ✅ ✅ Training to test a computer teacher and high school programs ✅ Explain Excel - Access - PowerPoint - Google work forms ✅ Practical review of Midterm for students of the Faculty of Education, Arts, Sharia and Science ✅ Solve assignments and applications ✅ Making projects for intermediate and secondary schools ✅ Make designs in Canva ✅ Make presentations ✅ Make Google Forms Survey Forms ✅ Make projects, review the intermediate and secondary courses, and review practical test forms for programs Scratch 2 ☂️ Gimp ☂️ Natron ☂️ Blender ☂️ Access 💧 Expression web4 💧 Visual Basic 💧

Teachers in Kuwait

Are you a passionate professional teacher or a Quran teacher seeking a job opportunity in Kuwait? There is a growing demand for educators at all levels, including primary, preparatory, and secondary, as well as for private lessons.


The government is investing heavily in its educational system, which offers a range of job opportunities in Kuwait for qualified history teachers, geography teachers, and Quran teachers. These opportunities include teaching positions in both public and private schools.


Quran teachers in Kuwait

Quran teachers play a significant role in Kuwait due to the country’s strong emphasis on Islamic education and the importance of the Quran in the lives of its citizens. They are more than just educators; they are guardians of faith, transmitters of tradition, and builders of character. Their impact on students goes far beyond the classroom, shaping their values, morals, and understanding of the world.


The specific certificates required for a Quran teacher in Kuwait can vary depending on the type of institution and the teaching level. However, as a general rule, the below certifications are required:


  • – A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Islamic Studies or a related field like Quranic Sciences or Arabic Language
  • – Some institutions may accept applicants with a specialized diploma in Quranic studies or Tajweed (proper recitation).
  • – Ijazah Certification
  • – Hifz Certification
  • – Teaching Certification
  • – A clean criminal record is required to secure a work permit and visa.


History teachers in Kuwait

History teachers are vital in Kuwait as they pass on the country’s rich history and heritage to younger generations. They do this by teaching students about Kuwait’s past challenges, successes, and cultural development, which helps cultivate a strong sense of national identity and pride. Additionally, studying history allows students to gain a deeper understanding of various cultures and civilizations, both within Kuwait and worldwide.


To qualify for a History teaching job in Kuwait, you must have:


  • – Bachelor’s Degree in History or a related field
  • – A teaching certificate in History or a related field
  • – A teaching license issued by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education
  • – A clean criminal record is required to secure a work permit and visa.


Professional teachers on 4Sale

At 4Sale, we offer a diverse selection of job vacancies across history teaching, Quran teaching, and other subjects. Post an ad that highlights your skills and qualifications, and opens doors to your next career opportunity.


We’re always here to help.

Where can I find job opportunities as a Quran teacher in Kuwait?

There are several avenues for finding Quran teaching jobs in Kuwait such as public schools, private schools, Mosques and Islamic centers, and online platforms.

I’m a professional teacher looking for a job in Kuwait. How can I post an ad that highlights my experience on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate subcategory.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

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